Well, this year’s flown by in a hurry, hasn’t it? Here at Cosurica, we’ve hardly had time to blink!

We’ve listed our Christmas Opening Hours below for you, but before you go a-scrolling to it, here’s just a little run down of what’s been happening at Cosurica over the last 12 months.
We never stop developing our people and raising our standards
In March we welcomed on-board 2 new starters, Kacper and Alex. We’re pleased to report they’ve both settled in brilliantly and are honing their skills at pace. Alex is already overseeing the support desk after only a few months in post.
Jack successfully completed his apprenticeship earlier this year, so he’s now a permanent member of the team.
Also this year, Gareth added CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) to his very long list of tech qualifications. The CISSP is considered a Level 7 qualification, equivalent to a Masters degree in IT Security! Well done Gareth!
There’s only around 160,000 CISSPs worldwide, with the majority being US-based. There’s still only around 8500 CISSPs in the UK, out of over 2 million working in the UK tech industry! Clearly Gareth is ‘up there’ with the very best IT security professionals, not just in this region, but in the country. By leading our technical team he develops the next generation of IT professionals and ensures we’ll continue to deliver the very best advice in the future.
In May our Cyber Essentials reassessment was successful, as was our ISO 9001/14001 audit in September. We continue to demonstrate our commitment to high security and quality standards, and to our environmental responsibility.
Improving the image of IT Support
It’s been a really great year for us in terms of welcoming on board new customers and supporting our existing customers with their growth plans. The fabulous feedback we’ve had, particularly from new customers, has been truly heart-warming. It’s such a pleasure for us to bring safe, secure and stable systems into businesses, especially where their previous poor experiences have tarnished their view of IT. And in doing so, we’re improving the image of IT Support!
A little support goes a long way
We’re proud of our continued involvement in the Keighley & Airedale Business Awards, the Keighley Community Awards and sponsoring Keighley Cougars. In these uncertain times, supporting our town and the great small businesses in the region is essential. A little bit of support and positivity goes a long way. When there’s a feeling of positivity around the town, it gives everyone a boost!
Thankful & Mindful
We’d like to thank all our customers for your continued commitment to and trust in Cosurica over the last 12 months. We hope we’ve had a very positive impact on your business this year. If there’s anything more we can do for you, please do let us know.
We are thankful that, as a company, we remain in a very good place. However there’s a lot of people in this region who are not so fortunate, due to job losses and ill health. Recruitment of skilled people, to help us deliver quicker and expand faster, remains an ever-present challenge.
All of us here at Cosurica have become very mindful over the last few years not to overload ourselves, so once again we’ll be putting our own physical and mental wellbeing high on our priority list in 2025. The 4-day week for senior tech staff, which we introduced in 2023, has certainly proved its worth.
With all of the above thoughts in mind, it feels right to once again donate to charity the money we could have spent on Christmas cards, just as we did this time last year.
We’ll continue to support 4 foodbanks in the area – Worth Valley Foodbank, Bingley Foodbank, Skipton Foodbank and Keighley Salvation Army. Once again, we’ll be supporting Mind in Bradford, because their work continues to be vital, and every one of us can benefit from their guidance, support, workshops and self-help guides from time to time.
For now, we’d like to wish you, your colleagues and your families the very best Christmas as well as a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!
Take care everyone and enjoy the festivities!
Michelle, Gareth and all the Cosurica Team
Christmas and New Year Support Helpdesk opening hours
Whilst we never truly ‘shut up shop’ over the holidays, for some of the time between Christmas and New Year we’ll be operating an on-call support service, rather than opening the office fully. This will give our team members the much-needed opportunity to rest and relax, ready to hit the ground running in January.
Sales, Admin & Accounts Office
The sales, admin and accounts office will be closed from 19th Dec, returning to normal service on Monday 6th January. If you require any urgent sales quotes, or have queries about orders already in progress, please contact Jenny on or before Wednesday 18th December. While the office is closed, please direct all accounting, invoicing or admin queries by email to accounts@cosurica.com. All queries will be responded to as soon as possible, after 6th January. We appreciate your patience and understanding while we recharge.
The Sales, Admin & Accounts office will reopen on Monday 6th January.
Support Desk
The Support Team will be available as follows:-
Tuesday 24th Dec – Office open 9:00am to 4:30pm
Christmas Day and Boxing Day – Closed
Friday 27th Dec – Support available by email & phone 9:00am to 5:30pm
Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th – Closed
Monday 30th Dec – Support available by email & phone 9:00am to 5:30pm
Tuesday 31st Dec – Support available by email & phone 9:00am to 5:30pm
Wednesday 1st January – Closed
Out of Hours Support
Applicable to monthly fee contract customers only – If you require emergency support when the helpdesk is closed, please call the usual support desk number, as per your contract, and follow the IVR instructions to access the on-call engineer.
The Helpdesk will run as normal from Thursday 2nd January.