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Small business server – buy it now!

January 16, 2013

As you may already be aware, the release of Microsoft Server 2012 has brought big changes to the Windows Server product range. One of the biggest changes is the discontinuation of Small Business Server, which has always been the most cost effective way to purchase the Exchange and SQL Server…

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We’ve gone ‘gold’ for the fifth year running!

May 17, 2012

We’ve done it again! Microsoft GOLD Partner 5 years on the trot! Our West Yorkshire based company, Motion IT Consulting Ltd, started its relationship with Microsoft quite gently as a ‘regular’ Certified Partner with only 2 employees and 3 Associates in 2008-2009, but quickly moved up to ‘Gold’ in the…

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Scam alert!

February 8, 2012

Scam Alert! Cybercriminals target computer users in Keighley and Worth Valley Sadly we’ve had a few reports from customers recently, indicating internet scammers are again calling homes (and possibly businesses too) in this area.  If you get a phone call from someone advising you that Microsoft knows there is a problem with…

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