Happy 18th Birthday to us!

Image of Happy 18th birthday balloons in blue, white and gold

18 years ago today, 5th March 2007, we incorporated under our original name, Motion IT Consulting Ltd, just as the global economy hit a wobbly patch!

Back then Office 365 was still over 3 years away. Perpetual software licensing was the norm. Laptops were chunky, weighty beasties. The first Apple iPhone had only just been released 2 months before and mobile Voice over IP was maturing nicely. We’ll never forget the smooth, slippery ‘bar of soap-like’ feel of the iPhone 3G (and the ease with which it could be lost down the side of the sofa!).

Facebook had started out as The Facebook in 2004 for Harvard students. By 2007 it was rapidly increasing in popularity with the general public, leaving established social sites such as Friends Reunited in its wake.

So much has changed since 2007!

As a new business growing up through the ‘Great Recession’ of 2008-2013 we successfully built our brand of first class, friendly, helpful IT support for small business. Throughout the 2020-2021 pandemic we worked our socks off, getting our customers working remotely (many for the first time). We emerged from the mad rush ready for a very long holiday indeed!

What’s coming next?

In 2025 we’ve got emerging technologies such as AR (augmented reality), AI (Artificial Intelligence), IoT (internet of Things) to assist us in our work and home lives. Perhaps we contend with them in frustration at times. Back in 2007 would you have expected you’d be controlling your central heating on your phone and shouting instructions at your smart devices. Would you have dreamed of asking ChatGPT to write you a speech, or CoPilot to check the email you’ve drafted conveys the right message to a customer?

Social media and chatbots have grown in popularity, expanding into our everyday lives. We’re now seeing new technologies taking over from phone, traditional websites and email as the main point of customer contact for many organisations. Today TikTok and Instagram reels may be the best way to get your marketing messages in front of your target audience. Time is precious and attention spans are short. How long before we get as far as ‘blipverts’? Check out the ‘Max Headroom: 20 minutes into the Future’ movie from 1985 and the Max Headroom series Episode 1 for more info on that delightful concept. Here’s hoping advertisers never sink that low!

Still surviving and thriving

Whilst email, VoIP, network and server infrastructure, and the ever-evolving Microsoft products, are all still a big part of what we do here at Cosurica, we’re conscious the sands are always shifting.

We’ve seen many technologies come and go in the last 18 years (some loudly, but most sneaking out quietly by the back door and into history). So long Skype! RIP PalmPilot! See ya Microsoft Small Business Server! And Adios Windows Mobile/Windows Phone!

Meanwhile, Cosurica’s come of age and we’re still thriving in an industry which never stops evolving. We know it’s simply because we provide what end-users want: professional and approachable people, providing genuinely helpful, reliable and honest support.

Now, that’s something that really hasn’t changed at all in the last 18 years!

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